Online School Therapy Services

Serving students across Idaho through our team of extraordinary therapists.

Services Offered

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We deliver speech, physical, and occupational therapy as well as school psychology services to your school. Our team of experienced therapists bring years of experience to your students in efficient and effective teletherapy sessions.

Proximity is a school based services company that leverages technology to get results. Our schools don’t have to sacrifice quality while maximizing direct care time and Medicaid reimbursement.


What’s Important To Us

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Our therapists are licensed professionals who have obtained the highest degree in their field. Since we are 100% telehealth, we know we have to be a team that has strong foundational experience of in-person therapy work.

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No matter where a school is located in Idaho, Proximity Telehealth is accessible and flexible in providing the same high-level of service. Each school has their own portal making it easy for students to start their session the same way, every time.

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Maximize your spend on direct therapy time. With Proximity you don’t pay for therapist travel and we even save you time with forms that make it easy to submit for Medicaid reimbursement.

Are you a provider interested in joining our team?

Proud to be an Idaho based company serving Idaho schools.